
Power Use Monitor
OEM Solutions
NEEM Data Sheets
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Screen Images

Browser-based Data Logger
Software Development Kit Data Logger
Configuration Console

Browser-based Data Logger

Main Screen with table view of primary sensor Main Screen with graph of primary sensor data Primary sensor view of stored data during past 12 mos.
Graph of stored data for primary sensor Table of stored data for primary sensor Select non-primary sensor for real-time data view
Graph view of sensor data from non-primary sensor Table view of sensor data from non-primary sensor Properties selection screen for sensors and equipment
Properties display for equipment Properties display for one of the 10 possible sensors Output controls

SDK Data Logger

Establish initial connection to NEEM-112 IP address Selection list for sensors attached to the NEEM unit Properties for selected channels
Data logger table display of sensor data Data logger graphical display of sensor data Storing sensor data to PC hard disk in CSV format
Alerts - setup for email and windows alert messages SMTP email client setup A windows alert displayed over a Word document
Example of viewing simultaneous data from multiple sensors connected to a single NEEM unit Example of viewing data tables and data charts from multiple sensors Logger data in an Excel spreadsheet

Configuration Console

Initial network setup Equipment properties input screen Sensor properties input screen for selected channel
Calibration Wizard to setup sensor specific parameters - Zero Offset Calibration Wizard to set calibration factor Calibration Wizard settings summary
Threshold Wizard - Set the alert value Threshold Wizard - Set the alert comparison operator Visual guide for electrical connection to selected sensor channel
Work week settings for percent utilization calculations Setting the NEEM real-time clock Export/backup NEEM data onto PC disk drive



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